1. 模式介绍
- 在设计初期阶段,将不同的两个层分离;
- 在开发阶段,子系统往往因为不断的重构演化而变得越来越复杂,大多数的模式使用时也都会产生很多很小的类,这本是好事,但也给外部调用它们的用户程序带来了使用上的困难,增加外观Facade可以提供一个简单的接口,减少它们之间的依赖。
- 在维护一个遗留的大型系统时,可能这个系统已经非常难以维护和扩展了,但因为它包含非常重要的功能,新的需求开发必须依赖于它。
2. UML类图
- Client : 客户端程序。
- Facade : 对外的统一入口,即外观对象。
- SubSystemA : 子系统A。
- SubSystemB : 子系统B。
- SubSystemC : 子系统C。
- SubSystemD : 子系统D。
如上述所说,门面模式提供一个高层次的接口,使得子系统更易于使用。因此在不使用该模式的情况下,客户端程序使用相关功能的成本就会比较的复杂,需要和各个子系统进行交互 ( 如上图 ),这样就使得系统的稳定性受到影响,用户的使用成本也相对较高。3. 模式的简单实现
public class TvController { private PowerSystem mPowerSystem = new PowerSystem(); private VoiceSystem mVoiceSystem = new VoiceSystem(); private ChannelSystem mChannelSystem = new ChannelSystem(); public void powerOn() { mPowerSystem.powerOn(); } public void powerOff() { mPowerSystem.powerOff(); } public void turnUp() { mVoiceSystem.turnUp(); } public void turnDown() { mVoiceSystem.turnDown(); } public void nextChannel() {; } public void prevChannel() { mChannelSystem.prev(); } }
/** * 电源控制系统 */ class PowerSystem { public void powerOn() { System.out.println("开机"); } public void powerOff() { System.out.println("关机"); } }
/** * 声音控制系统 */class VoiceSystem { public void turnUp() { System.out.println("音量增大"); } public void turnDown() { System.out.println("音量减小"); } }
/** * 频道控制系统 */class ChannelSystem { public void next() { System.out.println("下一频道"); } public void prev() { System.out.println("上一频道"); } }
测试代码 :
public class TvController { private PowerSystem mPowerSystem = new PowerSystem(); private VoiceSystem mVoiceSystem = new VoiceSystem(); private ChannelSystem mChannelSystem = new ChannelSystem(); public void powerOn() { mPowerSystem.powerOn(); } public void powerOff() { mPowerSystem.powerOff(); } public void turnUp() { mVoiceSystem.turnUp(); } public void turnDown() { mVoiceSystem.turnDown(); } public void nextChannel() {; } public void prevChannel() { mChannelSystem.prev(); } }
private final void handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) { // 代码省略 // 1、创建并且加载Activity,调用其onCreate函数 Activity a = performLaunchActivity(r, customIntent); if (a != null) { r.createdConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration); Bundle oldState = r.state; // 2、调用Activity的onResume方法,使Activity变得可见 handleResumeActivity(r.token, false, r.isForward); } } private final Activity performLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) { // System.out.println("##### [" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "] ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(" + r + ")"); // 代码省略 Activity activity = null; try { java.lang.ClassLoader cl = r.packageInfo.getClassLoader(); // 1、创建Activity activity = mInstrumentation.newActivity( cl, component.getClassName(), r.intent); r.intent.setExtrasClassLoader(cl); if (r.state != null) { r.state.setClassLoader(cl); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to instantiate activity " + component + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } try { // 2、创建Application Application app = r.packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation); if (activity != null) { // ***** 构建ContextImpl ****** ContextImpl appContext = new ContextImpl(); appContext.init(r.packageInfo, r.token, this); appContext.setOuterContext(activity); // 获取Activity的title CharSequence title = r.activityInfo.loadLabel(appContext.getPackageManager()); Configuration config = new Configuration(mConfiguration); // 3、Activity与context, Application关联起来 activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token, r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent, r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstance, r.lastNonConfigurationChildInstances, config); // 代码省略 // 4、回调Activity的onCreate方法 mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state); // 代码省略 } r.paused = true; mActivities.put(r.token, r); } catch (SuperNotCalledException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { } return activity; } final void handleResumeActivity(IBinder token, boolean clearHide, boolean isForward) { unscheduleGcIdler(); // 1、最终调用Activity的onResume方法 ActivityClientRecord r = performResumeActivity(token, clearHide); // 代码省略 // 2、这里是重点,在这里使DecorView变得可见 if (r.window == null && !a.mFinished && willBeVisible) { // 获取Window,即PhoneWindow类型 r.window = r.activity.getWindow(); // 3、获取Window的顶级视图,并且使它可见 View decor = r.window.getDecorView(); decor.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); // 4、获取WindowManager ViewManager wm = a.getWindowManager(); // 5、构建LayoutParams参数 WindowManager.LayoutParams l = r.window.getAttributes(); a.mDecor = decor; l.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION; l.softInputMode |= forwardBit; if (a.mVisibleFromClient) { a.mWindowAdded = true; // 6、将DecorView添加到WindowManager中,最终的操作是通过WindowManagerService的addView来操作 wm.addView(decor, l); } } else if (!willBeVisible) { if (localLOGV) Slog.v( TAG, "Launch " + r + " mStartedActivity set"); r.hideForNow = true; } // 代码省略 } public final ActivityClientRecord performResumeActivity(IBinder token, boolean clearHide) { ActivityClientRecord r = mActivities.get(token); if (r != null && !r.activity.mFinished) { try { // 代码省略 // 执行onResume r.activity.performResume(); // 代码省略 } catch (Exception e) { } } return r; }
Activity启动之后,Android给我们提供了操作系统服务的统一入口,也就是Activity本身。这些工作并不是Activity自己实现的,而是将操作委托给Activity父类ContextThemeWrapper的mBase对象,这个对象的实现类就是ContextImpl ( 也就是performLaunchActivity方法中构建的ContextImpl )。
class ContextImpl extends Context { private final static String TAG = "ApplicationContext"; private final static boolean DEBUG = false; private final static boolean DEBUG_ICONS = false; private static final Object sSync = new Object(); private static AlarmManager sAlarmManager; private static PowerManager sPowerManager; private static ConnectivityManager sConnectivityManager; private AudioManager mAudioManager; LoadedApk mPackageInfo; private Resources mResources; private PackageManager mPackageManager; private NotificationManager mNotificationManager = null; private ActivityManager mActivityManager = null; // 代码省略 @Override public void sendBroadcast(Intent intent) { String resolvedType = intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(getContentResolver()); try { ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().broadcastIntent( mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), intent, resolvedType, null, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null, null, false, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } @Override public void startActivity(Intent intent) { if ((intent.getFlags()&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException( "Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity " + " context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag." + " Is this really what you want?"); } mMainThread.getInstrumentation().execStartActivity( getOuterContext(), mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), null, null, intent, -1); } @Override public ComponentName startService(Intent service) { try { ComponentName cn = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().startService( mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), service, service.resolveTypeIfNeeded(getContentResolver())); if (cn != null && cn.getPackageName().equals("!")) { throw new SecurityException( "Not allowed to start service " + service + " without permission " + cn.getClassName()); } return cn; } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } } @Override public String getPackageName() { if (mPackageInfo != null) { return mPackageInfo.getPackageName(); } throw new RuntimeException("Not supported in system context"); } }
比如我们要启动一个Activity的时候,我们调用的是startActivity方法,这个功能的内部实现实际上是Instrumentation完成的。ContextImpl封装了这个功能,使得用户根本不需要知晓Instrumentation相关的信息,直接使用startActivity即可完成相应的工作。其他的子系统功能也是类似的实现,比如启动Service和发送广播内部使用的是ActivityManagerNative等。ContextImpl的结构图如下 :
4. 杂谈
- 使用方便,使用外观模式客户端完全不需要知道子系统的实现过程;
- 降低客户端与子系统的耦合;
- 更好的划分访问层次;
- 减少了可变性和灵活性;
- 在不引入抽象外观类的情况下,增加新的子系统可能需要修改外观类或客户端的源代码,违背了“开闭原则”;